- Accessible Excel
- Act on the Provision of Digital Services promotes the accessibility of videos and audio files
- Add interaction to your Zoom meeting
- Add users to courses in Moodle
- Adding a file to the video page in Kaltura
- Adding a Kaltura video to the channel
- Adding the right to edit Kaltura videos to another user and changing the owner of the video
- Adding users to Moodle workspaces
- Adding Zoom Activity to the Moodle Course Area and Scheduling Meetings (Fall 2020>)
- Addressing hearing, vision, and motor function challenges in online teaching
- Adobe Express — Visual Content Effortlessly
- Adobe Stock stock images
- AI as a Communication Support Tool
- Am I Free or Busy? – Viewing Options for Outlook Calendar Entries
- Arene’s recommendations on the use of artificial intelligence for universities of applied sciences
- Artificial intelligence (AI)
- Artificial intelligence user reminder list for students
- Assignment evaluation in Moodle
- Assignment in Moodle
- Assignment template
- Attendance activity in Moodle
- Best Practices for Responsible Use of AI in Education
- Blueprint for module implementation
- Booking an appointment with Bookings
- Breakout Rooms in Microsoft Teams
- Breakout rooms in Zoom
- Building a Moodle workspace: adding assignments and content
- Changing ownership to video in Kaltura
- Changing the category of a previously published video in Kaltura
- ChatGPT, Gemini (Bard) and Edge Copilot (Bing AI Chat)
- Checklist for online event organisers
- Classification of information
- Closed Captions function in Zoom
- Comparison of production models (video, podcast and animation)
- Comparison of the functions of Teams and Zoom
- Completion Progress
- Considering different types of students in online teaching
- Converting a Word Document to an EPUB File
- Copying content from one Moodle course to another
- Course areas and enrollment in Moodle
- Creating interactive material with Sway
- Data privacy & filming and photography permits
- Data protection – informing the data subject (Privacy notice)
- Data protection concepts
- Data protection impact assessment
- Data protection in connection with thesis
- Data protection in research
- Design quality for module implementation
- Destruction of material in paper form containing personal data
- Different types of Zoom meetings
- Digipeda mentors and Digital Support Experts at HAMK
- Digipedagogical tips for everyday e-learning
- Discussion forums in Moodle
- Discussions and calls in Teams
- Display your open badges in Moodle
- Distance exam, remotely supervised exam
- Easy Accessibility -weekly tips
- Editing your own Moodle home page
- Eduhouse
- Electronic signature
- Embedding Videos to Moodle as Kaltura Video Resource
- Establishing the Moodle course
- Ethical Principles for the Use of Artificial Intelligence – Summary
- Exam – electronic exam system
- EXAM for electronic individual exams
- EXAM studio instructions
- Examples related to the thesis
- Feedback and development
- Files in Microsoft Teams
- Filming and photography permits in teaching
- Focus mode in a Zoom meeting
- Funet FileSender file sharing service
- General settings related to use of Zoom
- Go hybrid with the hybrid meeting kit
- Grouping of Kaltura’s videos
- Guide the student’s activities with conditions and restrictions in Moodle
- H5P tasks can be used flexibly from the content bank
- H5P tasks in Moodle
- HAMK EXAM system accessibility statement
- HAMK Learn Clear quality criteria
- Here’s how to make a screen capture video
- How to act when filming a video?
- How to add members to a team in Teams
- How to create a long-term link for an occuring Teams meeting
- How to enhance your work with the help of AI
- How to get started with accessibility?
- How to order captions/subtitles for a video
- How to produce accessible educational material with Sway
- How to schedule a meeting in Teams
- How to use generative AI in teaching?
- Hybrid learning – online and face-to-face
- Hybrid teaching facilities at Hämeenlinna campus
- Immersive Reader in Microsoft
- Importing contents, produced with the workspace H5P tool, into the content bank
- Improving audio quality for Zoom recordings
- Installation of Kaltura Personal Capture
- Installing Adobe software
- Instructions for EXAM visitors in HAMK
- Instructions for EXAM visitors in HAMK
- Instructions for Using HAMK Thesis Template
- Instructions in English
- Interpretation of a Zoom session with the Interpretation function
- Joining a Zoom meeting
- Kaltura Captions for adding, creating and editing subtitles
- Kaltura channel playlists
- Kaltura channels
- Kaltura contrast enhancement
- Kaltura cookies / 3rd party cookies
- Kaltura Express Capture
- Kaltura Hotspots
- Kaltura playlists
- Kaltura Quiz Videos
- Kaltura Timeline
- Kaltura video as part of a message in the Moodle discussion area or a video as an assignment return
- Kaltura Video Editor
- Kaltura Video Platform
- Kaltura video upload to the service
- Kaltura’s analytics tools help with student guidance
- Kaltura’s upload and share your video
- LeaD – Digital Pedagogy Support for Education
- Log in to HAMK Services
- Logging in to HAMK’s Zoom
- Marking of assignments manually in Moodle
- Mentors in Digital Pedagogy and Digital Support Experts at HAMK
- Microsoft 365 (former Office 365)
- Microsoft Forms to create queries
- Microsoft Loop – a platform for organising work
- Microsoft Teams: get started
- Microsoft Whiteboard – Digital canvas
- Microsoft’s analytics tools help with student guidance
- Miro – virtual whiteboard for collaboration
- MOOC course planning and design at HAMK
- Moodle 4.1 changes compared to version 3.9
- Moodle assignment, publish all assessments at once
- Moodle courses for implementations
- Moodle courses for modules can be built in different ways
- Moodle Dashboard and My Courses
- Moodle Environments at HAMK
- Moodle evaluation matrix
- Moodle groups and groupings
- Moodle profile information, interface language, and notifications preferences
- Moodle recycle bin
- Moodle text editor assignment template
- Moodle’s analytics tools help with student guidance
- Moodle’s assignments
- Moodle’s Assignments
- Moodle’s automatic reminder messages
- Moodle’s basic course settings
- Moodle’s discussion forums
- Moodle’s Discussion Forums
- Moodle’s Kaltura Media Gallery
- Moodle’s text editor buttons
- More accessible Moodle content with styles
- MS Viva Learning
- Navigation in Teams and general settings
- Nonstop implementation – flexibly at student’s own pace
- OneDrive for Business and file management
- OneNote for digital notes
- Participating in a Zoom Meeting
- Personal Data Processing Agreements (DPA)
- Personal Meeting ID on Zoom
- Plagiarism-checking in HAMK
- Planner for task management
- Polls in Zoom
- Privacy Protection of Zoom
- Processing of personal data in the development of operations
- Producing a subtitle file with Screencast-O-Matic
- Producing video material
- Purposes and criteria for MOOCs
- Quality criteria
- Quality Criteria for HyFlex Implementations
- Queries and engagement tools in Teams (Polls, Forms, Loop)
- ReadSpeaker tool
- Real-time captioning and subtitles in PowerPoint
- Recording and sharing a Zoom session
- Recording Teams meetings and sharing the recording
- Safe Exam Browser blocks other programs during the Moodle exam
- Scheduling and Sharing link to a Zoom Meeting
- Screen capture with the Kaltura Personal Capture application
- ScreenPal for screen recording, editing and producing subtitles
- Services and tools used in HAMK
- Services for building an ePortfolio
- Setting up a Moodle course
- Sharing the Kaltura video in Moodle
- Short check list for processing personal data
- Sorting and searching for Kaltura’s own videos from the My Media listing
- Starting and hosting a Zoom meeting
- Steps of the module introduction video project
- Storyboard
- Student diversity and UDHL as a source of pedagogical development
- Student’s Guide for Moodle
- Subcourse
- Subtitler’s Checklist
- Subtitling/captioning videos promotes accessibility
- Summer 2023 Moodle update in a nutshell
- Team Development Together – Making Use of AI in Daily Work
- Technical support for online seminars and webinars
- Tekoäly — FAQ
- The FindTime function in Outlook forks the meeting time with different people.
- The stages of creating module implementation
- The student submits the Kaltura video to the Moodle assignment
- The use of Siteimprove plugin in assessing the accessibility of the Moodle workspace
- The visibility of chat messages in Teams-meetings
- ThingLink – Interactive learning experience
- ThingLink as a part of a PowerPoint presentation
- Things that artificial intelligence is bad at
- Tips for producing high-quality subtitles
- Tips for Zoom Meeting Participants
- Towards Inclusive eLearning – Tinel
- Trail – AV equipment booking service
- UDL principles for considering different students within HAMK’s operational guidelines
- Unifying the use of students’ Zoom accounts
- Uninvited guests in Zoom meetings? Guidelines for unexpected situations
- Updating your Zoom app
- Uploading the video to Kaltura via Moodle
- Using AI to support information retrieval
- Using Kaltura videos in Moodle
- Using Moodle’s image gallery
- Using the letters scale in the grading book
- Using the Wave plugin
- Using ThingLink content in Learn-Moodle
- VDI Virtual Workstation
- Venngage – service to create infographics
- Video editing
- Viva Engage HAMK as an internal communication tool
- Waiting Room for Zoom Meetings
- Webropol queries and data protection
- Webropol-survey and reporting tool
- What information participants will see during the Zoom meeting or on the recording
- What is personal data and specific (sensitive) personal data?
- With OneDrive plugin you can add your online files to Moodle course areas easily
- Working in Teams channels
- YouTube Video Added to Kaltura
- Zoom LTI Pro Activity in Moodle
- Zoom Online Meeting Service
- Zoom privacy policy
- Zoom webinars
- Zoom’s audio and video settings