Artificial intelligence user reminder list for students
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Reflect first: What are you learning?
Studying at a higher education institution requires critical thinking and processing of information. By copying, you will not learn essential skills for the working world. You surely also know that plagiarism is wrong and a barrier to learning. A degree achieved by copying is not valuable.
Recommendation: Take your time to experiment
Through higher education, you learn how to search for information and approach it analytically. These skills are best learned by practicing. Hence, you can also test the possibilities of artificial intelligence when searching for information, contemplating the topic of your work, and considering text formatting. Artificial intelligence can assist in writing by providing new ideas and writing styles.
Warning: Are you sure cheating cannot be traced?
You well know that text copied directly from Wikipedia can easily be found through comparisons. Answers provided by artificial intelligence can also be obtained retrospectively. Artificial intelligence can also be used to modify the writing style in the text, making the copied text traceable. Several algorithms have already been developed to find text generated by artificial intelligence.
Think critically: Is the information you found reliable?
You probably approach with skepticism the information found on online discussion platforms and Wikipedia. They have also been used in the training of AI language models. The datasets used in AI development gradually become outdated. Artificial intelligence does not understand the text it writes, so the sources it cites may not actually exist. Remember, you are always responsible for the reliability and appropriateness of the text you write.
Recommendation: Use artificial intelligence as “support intelligence”
Artificial intelligence can support your work. It can provide an overview of the topic and help grasp the key content. With its help, you can make the text you write more readable. The text produced by artificial intelligence can also be useful in situations where it’s hard to get started. A text bot can also provide a different perspective, aiding in reviewing the topic similarly to peer feedback.
Warning: Remember data privacy
You surely wouldn’t store confidential information just anywhere. So don’t input them into an AI program either, as you can’t know where they will end up.
Guideline: Remember to cite
When using sources in your writing, always refer to them according to guidelines. If you wish to use the opinion of artificial intelligence on a subject, mention it in the text and with citation markings (Figure 1). Clearly indicate when and from which program you have obtained the text output.

The instruction has been utilized with permission from the Faculty of Science, Forestry and Engineering at the University of Eastern Finland’s guidance on the use of artificial intelligence in education and research. (opens in a new browser window) (opens in a new browser window)
Katja Ruunaniemi & Lea Mustonen, 19.9.2023