Moodle courses for modules can be built in different ways
Article sections
This guide presents different solutions for the implementation of different curricula from the perspective of Peppi and Moodle. You can also use the combination of the solutions presented here that best serves the needs of your own module. The Moodle course that assembles the module must exist in any case. More about creating implementations (Yammer 1.4.2021)
Different solutions for implementation structure in Peppi and Moodle
One Peppi module 15 cu = one Moodle course
The module has one Peppi course with its own course in Moodle. Pictorial instructions: Setting up a workspace through Peppi.
- module course is created in Peppi and teacher resources are defined.
- the module leading teacher adds the Moodle course to the module implementation
- all teachers in this Peppi module are automatically added as teachers to the Moodle course
- student enrollments and joining Moodle courses
- students enroll to module implementation in Pakki
- enrolled students are approved in Peppi to the module implementation, and added automatically to the module Moodle course
An example of the module implementation in Moodle (picture)
Four Peppi courses in one Moodle course
The module has four Peppi courses that have a common course in Moodle. The common Moodle course is the course of one Peppi course, with which the other Peppi courses of the module are combined. Pictorial instructions: Using one Moodle course as a combined workspace for several Peppi courses.
- Creating a Moodle course in Peppi
- A module teacher adds Learning Environment in his/her Peppi course implementation. This Moodle course will be Moodle for the whole module. Pictorial instructions: Työtilan perustaminen Pepin kautta.
- In Moodle the teacher edits Course name to the Curriculum name, and adds all Peppi implementation codes and names to the course description.
- How to combine several Peppi implementations to one Moodle course. Pictorial instructions: Työtilan yhdistäminen usealle eri opintojaksolle.
- In Moodle: copy Moodle course shortname. In Peppi: paste this shortname in the only field available in Learning Environment page and save. The same procedure is repeated several times, if needed.
(Learning environments – Add/join Moodle course). All implementation members are automatically added to the Moodle course.
- In Moodle: copy Moodle course shortname. In Peppi: paste this shortname in the only field available in Learning Environment page and save. The same procedure is repeated several times, if needed.
- Student enrollments and joining Moodle courses
- students enroll to module implementation in Pakki
- Enrolled students are approved in Peppi to the module implementation, and added automatically to the module Moodle course
- Checking course members in Moodle:
- Participants -> Check that teachers are in participants list. See also that Peppi implementation codes are available as group information.
An example of the combined implementation Moodle course (picture):
- Moodle course name is modified to match the Peppi module name. Peppi group code is added, too, and the semester for the implementation.
- The date of the study is defined in the basic information of the Moodle course.
- Peppi implementation codes and names have been added to the course description.
Four Peppi implementations with separate Moodle courses
This module has one Moodle course as a home base, which has been ordered via Moodle form.
all individual Moodle courses are linked tor added as subcourses to this home base. Each Peppi implementation has its own Moodle course.
- “The home base” for the module – ordered in Moodle (Info > Course request)
- professional 1 (5 cu) – Moodle sub course1
- professional 2 (5 cu) – Moodle sub course 2
- communicatios (2 cu) – Moodle sub course 3 // together with other similar implementations
- mathematics (3 cu) – Moodle sub course 3 // together with other similar implementations
- The implementation is created in Peppi.
- Teachers are defined to the Peppi implementation.
- Learning environments are added to the Peppi implementations.
- All teachers in the Peppi implementation are automatically added as teachers to the Moodle course.
- The module leader requests for the “home base” course in Moodle.
- The module leader adds module teachers to the “home base course” manually.
- To keep the module as one, all other Moodle courses in this module are added as subcourses in the “home base course”.
- To get students to the “home base course” all subcourses are added with metalinks, in the participants list.
- Subcourse total grade is visible in home base course grade book.
- Student enrollments and joining Moodle courses
- students enroll to module implementation in Pakki
- Enrolled students are approved in Peppi to the module implementation, and added automatically to the module Moodle course. and with metalink they are added to the module “home base course”, too.
- In the sub course in Moodle
- All grading is done in Moodle.
- Th module has its common grading description, i.e. points for assignments and quizzes and the Peppi course grade.
Other combinations
You may choose the best to your teaching from above mentioned procedures. I.e. three implementations of the same Peppi course were taught in one Moodle course.
How do I name the Moodle course? What is the shortname?
The name and description of the Moode course are important because anyone can search for the course based on these texts. The basic information of each Moodle course must show the implementation ID/IDs and the group ID/IDs to which the implementation is directed.
Moodle course name
- Peppi gives automatically: Implementation name and code
- You may edit if needed, one sample::
SHHTP20A2 Hoitotyön …, s21/k21
Peppi groupcode Peppi course name, teaching period - You may add groupcode and period, nothing more
Moodle course description
- If you have combined several Peppi implementations in one Moodle course, add all Peppi implementation codes here.
- If your implementation and Moodle course is meant for several Peppi groups, add all Peppi group codes here,
- The main use of shortname is to combine Moodle courses in Peppi.
- Course shortname may be visible in some email notifications and listings.
- Moodle courses created in Peppi: shortname is automatically the implementation code (you may not alter)
- Shortname must be unique.
- This text must not be altered in Moodle!
General instructions related to Moodle courses
About HAMK curricula and implementations
The current curriculum structure in HAMK is described in Vice Precident Heidi Ahokallio-Leppälä’s intra-article on 27.10.2020 (login required). Highlights:
- The module is a concise, coherent entity based on working life phenomena.
- The modules carry out work-life projects: students and teachers work in teams.
- One academic year involves uniform timing, in which modules are implemented sequentially.
- The module entity has one Learn (Moodle) platform, on which the module teachers plan and build the module implementation together. The learning platform describes, among other things, module progress, assignments, and assessment during implementation.
These strengths will also be maintained in the future and will be further reinforced. The modular structure has proven its functionality, which can be seen e.g. over the years as continuously improved student feedback. However, the operating environment is constantly changing, which means that we also still need both pedagogical and structural curriculum development.