Moodle is the online learning platform used in HAMK.
These instructions present the basic functions of HAMK Moodle. Please notice that HAMK Moodle and other Moodle environments are not identical so there might be differences in functions and instructions.
- Student’s Guide for Moodle
- Learn-Moodle – the Official Learning Environment at HAMK
- Moodle 4.1 changes compared to version 3.9
- Moodle’s assignments
- With OneDrive plugin you can add your online files to Moodle course areas easily
- Completion Progress
- Guide the student’s activities with conditions and restrictions in Moodle
- Moodle’s discussion forums
- Establishing the Moodle course
- Moodle’s Kaltura Media Gallery
- Summer 2023 Moodle update in a nutshell
- Assignment template
- Moodle profile information and choosing your interface language
- Sharing the Kaltura video in Moodle
- Using ThingLink content in Learn-Moodle
- Zoom LTI Pro Activity in Moodle
- ReadSpeaker tool
- Kaltura video as part of a message in the Moodle discussion area or a video as an assignment return
- Moodle courses for implementations
- Course areas and enrollment in Moodle
- Using the letters scale in the grading book
- Using Kaltura videos in Moodle
- Importing contents, produced with the workspace H5P tool, into the content bank
- Moodle’s Assignments
- Display your open badges in Moodle
- The student submits the Kaltura video to the Moodle assignment
- Plagiarism-checking in HAMK
- Moodle’s Discussion Forums
- Using the Wave plugin
- Editing your own Moodle home page
- Assignment in Moodle
- Planning and preparation of teaching in Peppi and Moodle
- More accessible Moodle content with styles
- Moodle recycle bin
- Discussion forums in Moodle
- Setting up a Moodle course
- Moodle’s text editor buttons
- Moodle groups and groupings
- Subcourse
- Moodle’s basic course settings
- Copying content from one Moodle course to another
- Moodle evaluation matrix
- Attendance activity in Moodle
- Add users to courses in Moodle
- The use of Siteimprove plugin in assessing the accessibility of the Moodle workspace
- H5P tasks can be used flexibly from the content bank
- Embedding Videos to Moodle as Kaltura Video Resource
- Using Moodle’s image gallery
- Adding users to Moodle workspaces
- Moodle Dashboard and My Courses
- Moodle’s analytics tools help with student guidance
- Building a Moodle workspace: adding assignments and content
- Moodle text editor assignment template
- Moodle’s automatic reminder messages
- Assignment evaluation in Moodle
- Moodle courses for modules can be built in different ways
- Marking of assignments manually in Moodle
- Moodle assignment, publish all assessments at once
- Safe Exam Browser blocks other programs during the Moodle exam