Nonstop implementation – flexibly at student’s own pace
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Non-stop implementations provide flexibility to the studies, as they allow students to enrol, start and study according to their own schedule, learning style and preferences during the opening hours of the implementation. Compared to a more traditional period-based module implementation, the design of a quality non-stop implementation places particular emphasis on planning the rhythm of learning from starting until assessment.
Practical tips for teachers
Consider the following when planning and implementing non-stop implementations.
Design phase
- The implementation gives imformation of its avaialbility dates.
- the implementation period often does not follow traditional periods, but can be, for example, one year.
- the student’s study time can be limited, e.g. to four weeks from the start date.
- Make sure that the implementation plan
- the start and end dates of implementation are clearly indicated.
- the number of participants to be admitted is indicated.
- indicates how often students are accepted for implementation and when they can start studying.
- the dates for the assessment of performance are indicated.
- Build the workspace completely before opening it to students.
- make use of the HAMK Learn Clear quality criteria when building your workspace.
- establish clear guidelines for learning assignments and work, time management and assessment.
- one of the learning assignments may be to set the student’s own objectives and timetable.
- implementation may involve individual and group tasks.
Guidance, feedback and evaluation
- Ensure that guidance, feedback and support are available throughout the implementation in a variety of ways.
- Implementation can have many different interactions.
- Announce in advance possible regular online coaching times e.g. once a week one-hour online meeting in Zoom.
- you can ask the student to sign up for a counselling session in advance.
- you can request in advance the topic for which the student wants guidance.
- let students know in advance if you are absent/not available and cannot be contacted.
- Use automation and learning analytics to support your progress.
- make use of automated messages, e.g. when a student starts their studies.
- introduce progress bar in Moodle for activities and materials and guide students to monitor their own progress.
- design a range of tests and automated tasks with automated feedback alongside the broader learning tasks.
- monitor and use learning analytics to track students’ progress.
- Indicate when you will assess the learning assignments.
- you can also use a separate (automated) message to remind studetns before the assessment.
- for assessment, follow the same principles as for other courses.
Additional materials and tips
- On the plus side: Flexible implementatiosn and study mode in focus (Digi-HAMK blog)
- Kohti parempaa oppimista – ohjausta oikea-aikaisin askelin (HAMK Unlimited, in Finnish)
- Suurryhmien verkkototeutuksen suunnittelu (eAMK, 60 min, in Finnish)
- Non-stop-toteutukset lisäävät joustavuutta opintoihin (Digi-HAMK blog, Shortly in English at the end of the article)
- Toimiva rytmitys on avain laadukkaaseen non-stop –toteutukseen (Digi-HAMK blog, in Finnish)