The quality criteria are designed to support flexible teaching and learning. HyFlex, or Hybrid Flexible, allows students to attend classes in person, remotely online at the same time or remotely at different times, according to their own choice. The criteria incorporate the eAMK project’s criteria for online delivery in a modified form.
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Target group and users
The needs of the target group and users are taken into account in design, production and implementation.
- Design implementations In line with the UDL framework.
- Define the pre-requisite competences and describe them in the implementation plan (eAMK).
- Provide students with tools to identify the required competences (eAMK), where appropriate.
- Work with your colleagues to plan the implementation to fit smoothly into the student group’s calendar.
- Offer the student a choice of participation mode (attendance onsite, simultaneously online, remotely with recordings).
- Choose pedagogical solutions that are successful with the number of participants (eAMK).
- Open the implementation to students two weeks before the start of classes.
Learning process and pedagogical solutions
Apply appropriate pedagogical models, practices and methods.
- Select content, technical and pedagogical solutions that support the application of knowledge and the achievement of competence objectives (eAMK)
- Design the learning process of the implementation to be equitable across different modes of participation (onsite, simultaneously online, remote with recordings).
- Make the learning process visible and the programme of hybrid situations available in advance.
- Agree and instruct on how to register for the different types of participation and other ground rules.
- Plan how to work in hybrid situations (responsible person/teacher, onsite, remote online, remotely with recordings).
- Provide students with different ways to support them in setting their own goals. (eAMK)
The tasks contribute to the achievement of competence objectives, are work-oriented and allow for individuality.
- Link assignments and activities to learning objectives and real-life work situations (eAMK)
- Design tasks and activities so that students have options for expressing their own skills
- Clearly describe the objective of the tasks, the work instructions, the timetable, the sources of information, the guidance and feedback, the assessment and the use of time.
- Enable and support collaborative working between those involved in different ways
- Students can agree on ways of working (e.g. team agreements)
- The documentation of the work is available for all and for comments.
Content and materials
The content and materials support the achievement of the competence goals.
- The selected and produced materials are up-to-date, compiled from reliable sources and the references and permissions are visible (eAMK)
- Share the materials and assignments in the learning environment two weeks before the implementation starts.
- Ensure that materials and outputs are accessible to all and that access rights are known.
- Agree on how to document the work of the learning situations and ensure availability for different modes of participation (onsite, simultaneously online, remotely with recordings).
- Agree with participants what will be recorded in learning situations and where it will be available (data protection).
The tools support learning and the learning objectives.
- Use tools that support the achievement of competence objectives, are pedagogically sound and appropriate to the professional work processes.
- Select and reserve a suitable space (equipment, number of seats) for hybrid teaching.
- Plan in advance what tools/equipment you need
- Test and learn how to use the tools in the space chosen.
- Allow enough time before and after the lessons.
- Tell participants about the equipment and software needed in the implementation plan.
- Clear and consistent instructions, possibility of testing.
- primarily the university’s own servoces and tools.
- Agree on the rules
- Use of the camera
- Request to speak
- Tools and software to be used.
Interaction supports the achievement of the competence objectives.
- Design equal opportunities for interaction, collaborative work, learning from each other and sharing experiences across and between different modes of participation (onsite, remotely onlie, remotely with recordings).
- Use activating methods
- IceBreaking
- Different methods of facilitation and group work.
- Use tools that allow everyone to participate, including representatives of working life.
- Allow enough time for interaction during, after and before a simultaneous learning situation.
- Agree who will support the remote participants (chat, coverage, visibility).
Guidance and feedback
Guidance and feedback is provided in a right time and throughout the course.
- Possibility to receive guidance and feedback from teachers, students and stakeholder representatives on an equal basis in different modes of participation (onsite, simultaneously online, remotely with recordings).
- Record information about guidance and how it is delivered (e.g. people, channels and schedules) in a way that is easy to find on the learning platform.
- Strengthen the sense of control and presence online in different ways (e.g. voice, video, image, texts)
- Agree on common communication practices with students, taking into account the different modes of participation.
- Possibility to give feedback and ask questions to the student throughout the implementation.
- Enable students to monitor their progress and use analytical tools to encourage and guide their progress.
- If necessary, arrange for pair teaching, where one teacher guides the remote participants.
Evaluation is transparent, continuous, multifaceted and reflective skills are developed.
- Base the evaluation on the learning outcomes and describe the assessment criteria and the assessment process in an understandable way on the learning platform (eAMK).
- Evaluate throughout the learning process using a variety of methods (eAMK).
- Possibility of self- and peer-assessment in different modes of participation (onsite, remotely online, remotely with recordings) and between them.
Continuous improvement of implementation
- If necessary, check the quality of the implementation with digital pedagogue mentors.
- Regularly update the implementation and ensure it is up-to-date (learning objectives, content, methodologies, assessment, online tools) (eAMK).
- Collect feedback from students and teachers and improve based on the feedback (eAMK).
- Make the structure and content of the implementation clear.
- Present and illustrate the learning materials in multiple ways, using multiple channels.
- Caption the videos.
Accessibility of documents
- Design documents
- Plan the content and structure of the document first, and only then the layout. Use clear, general language.
- Use document styles and highlighting
- Use program styles to define the layout of documents (e.g.: header1, header2, lists) and bold (no italics or underlining) for highlighting.
- Choose font types and sizes to be accessible
- Use an accessible font style (e.g. Arial, Calibri). Text size of at least 11 or 12 pt for Word documents, at least 20 pt for webinar presentations and 32 pt for auditorium materials.
- Format the text
- Align the text to the left margin and set the line spacing to be wide enough (1.5).
- Make sure links work
- Describe in the text what is behind the link. Use the default style for links: blue and underlined. Make sure the link works.
- Use colours with care
- Choose and use colours wisely. Make sure that the contrast between the text and the background is sufficient.
- Add alternative text to images
- Add an alternative text (alt text) or text response to your images to explain the main content of the image.
- Check PowerPoint slides
- Use ready-made PowerPoint slide layouts and check the reading order of the slides.
- Check the document using the Ease of use function and make sure that the language of the document matches the language of the content.
- Save the document in an accessible format.
Accessibility of Moodle
- Make the text clear and eye-catching.
- Use text styles, headings and subheadings.
- Use bold for emphasis rather than italics, underlining or colours.
- Write a description or alt text for the images you add, explaining what the relevant content of the image is.
- Make all assignments using the Moodle assignment tool and the learning task template.
- Name assignments logically.
- Use multimedia (sound, image, video) in a versatile and appropriate way.
- Ensure that links work and that the link text is understandable.
- Check your content for ease of use tool in Moodle
Support services
Support is available for pedagogical and technical challenges.
- Give instructions in advance on how to deal with technical problems during simultaneous learning situations.
- Support services and contact details are equally available across different modes of participation (present, remote at the same time, remote at different times).
The HOTT project is coordinated by the Finnish eLearning Centre. The project is funded by the Häme Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment. The co-organisers are Häme University of Applied Sciences and the Tavastia Consortium of Schools.